We’ve been partying it up at the Original Sessions Art House for La Di Da Di Rock Da Party (take a look at the photos from last week’s “Coming Out Day” with Boy Crisis, Bunny Rabbit & Black Cracker, Black Peter Group, Tha Pumpsta, Leif, and Living Days along with DJs Stay High and Leb Laze HERE to see what we mean!)
And now, CMJ 2008 will be celebrated hardcore at the Original Sessions Art House starting on October 21st and continuing through the 25th as part of the La Di Da Di Rock Da Party series of club nights hosted and presented by Shunda K of Yo! Majesty.
Each night will be hosted by Shunda K herself. The UK and US press is exploding with coverage of Shunda K and her group Yo! Majesty (who will headline the Fanatic Promotion CMJ showcase at Blender Theater on October 25th) and while the group continues to gain a higher and higher profile for its groundbreaking sound and attitude, band leader Shunda K continues to keep it realer than real, moving from Tampa to NYC to continue the club night she launched in late September, La Di Da Di Rock Da Party (MYSPACE) at the Original Sessions Art House on John Street in the Wall Street district of lower Manhattan (MAP). Just some of the recent press for Yo! Majesty that sheds light on how damn different they actually are includes features in SPIN (tinyurl.com/yomajesty-SPIN), the NME (tinyurl.com/yomajesty-NME) and NYLON (tinyurl.com/yomajesty-NYLON).
In keeping with the philosophies that permeate Shunda K’s work as an artist, La Di Da Di Rock Da Party is meant to act as a venue for artists of different genres to come together and rock the people with the common cause of breaking down preconceived notions and ideas about ourselves and our world around us. And, of course, to get down on the floor while doing it! Shunda K has big plans and doesn’t consider the night anything short of the first step towards a worldwide ministry. “I have such a long ways to go,” she says. “That’s what keeps me humble -- knowing what I have to go through. This is my ministry and ain’t nobody gonna hold me back from building the people up. I’m going to establish ministries across the world and this is just the beginning.”
Directions (LINK):
From Uptown Manhattan - take the A,C,E or 4,5 or 2,3 downtown. For the E, get off at the last stop: World Trade Center station. Walk East of Dey St. for one block. Pass over Broadway and continue East on John St. For the 4 & 5, get off at the Fulton St. station, head South one block on Broadway, turn East onto John St. For the A, C, 2 & 3 trains, get off at the Broadway/Nassau Station, head South on Nassau St. one block, turn west onto John St.
October 21st, 2008 featuring: EQ (Equilibrium) (myspace.com/eq360), a faulty chromosome (myspace.com/afaultychromosome), CAW! CAW! (myspace.com/cawcawmusic), Team Genius (myspace.com/teamgeniusmusic), St. Manniquins (myspace.com/stmannequins), The Terrordactyls (myspace.com/theterrordactyls), Tracy Shedd (myspace.com/tracyshedd).
October 22nd, 2008 featuring: Josh Bloom (myspace.com/joshbloomsongs), James Jackson Toth (myspace.com/jamesjacksontoth), Hey Willpower (myspace.com/heywillpower), Sister Suvi (myspace.com/sistersuvi), Starfucker (myspace.com/starfuckerss), Shunda K of Yo! Majesty (myspace.com/shundak).
October 23rd, 2008 featuring: BAMA (myspace.com/matthewjordantardinohemerlein), Jared Mees & The Grown Children (myspace.com/jaredmees), Super XX Man (myspace.com/superxxman), Boy Eats Drum Machine (myspace.com/boyeatsdrummachine), Finn Riggins (myspace.com/finnriggins), Strangers Die Every Day (myspace.com/strangersdieeveryday), Pomegranates (myspace.com/pomegranatesart).
October 24th, 2008 featuring: Festival (myspace.com/linzyandl), The Loom (myspace.com/theloommusic), Sean Boyd (seanboyd.com), Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson (myspace.com/milesbenjaminanthonyrobinson), Setting Sun (myspace.com/settingsun), Quitzow (myspace.com/quitzow). DJ: Nouveau Riche (nouveaurichedc.com).
October 25th, 2008 featuring: Shunda K of Yo! Majesty (myspace.com/shundak) w/ Kotchy (myspace.com/kotchy89) & Jerzy, Kosha Dillz (myspace.com/koshadillz4life), Mr. Meeble (myspace.com/mrmeeble), Altruisms (myspace.com/alltrubombs), The Ritz (myspace.com/apocmusic), Hot Tub (myspace.com/hottub94608).
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